For Brides, Wedding Tips

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Wedding Cake Alternatives | Top 5 Ideas

Are you searching for wedding cake alternatives? This may be an unpopular opinion for most (including myself) but some people just don’t prefer cake. Your wedding…. your rules! If you want macarons or cupcakes, it’s totally okay! Today, I’m sharing a few ideas for wedding cake alternatives.


First on the list of choices is the macaron. A macaron is a French inspired dessert made with a meringue base and often filled with buttercream frosting. Macarons are beautiful sandwich cookies that can be uniquely crafted for your event. Go all out with a macaron tower designed with one color or combine the main colors of your wedding for a dazzling display. 

If macarons fit your style and palette, I highly recommend Savor Patisseire. They crafted this stunning and scrumptious tower. I’m getting a sugar high just looking at this!

Colorful macaron tower as a wedding cake alternative

This macaron is also featured on Check this out for more ideas!

Dessert Bar

The dessert bar has become an increasingly popular alternative to cake recently. A bar provides guest with multiple options with a grab and go style. Individual miniature parfaits or cobblers can provide just the right portions for guests. I think I will have one of each!

Uncle Willie Pies is a local DFW vendor providing yummy options for dessert bars.

Wedding dessert bar substitution for wedding cake
Photo credit Uncle Willie Pies

Mini Pies

Mini pies are charming choices that can be displayed on the dessert table. Plus, they provide a homemade dessert option for your wedding. Display several flavors on your dessert table to give your guests multiple choices.

Mini pie dessert as wedding cake substitution
Mini pie dessert as wedding cake alternative


Who doesn’t love a donut? Donuts can be displayed and various ways. You can place them on beautiful china, build a cake-like tower, or stake them on a wall. So many choices!

Donut cake tower display wedding cake alternative

Cake Pops

Cake pops are a fun alternative to a full-sized wedding cake. It middle of the pop is filled with cake ingredients. This is great for people who love the taste of cake but would rather have bite sized options. Cake pops are also a great portable option that doesn’t require utensils. Nice!

Don’t feel confined to traditional wedding ideas. Anyone of the ideas listed can come in handy with more couples choosing intimate micro weddings. It’s your day so make it your own!

Check out more tips for weddings here!

  1. Sara says:

    I love all these wedding cakes alternatives! They are making me hungry 😋

  2. Kim Forbes says:

    These are great ideas for wedding cake alternatives! And, I’m wishing for one of these now!

  3. Maria says:

    Well, as a lover of wedding cake frosting I am disappointed when I don’t see a wedding cake!!! But I also love these ideas.

  4. Erin says:

    These are such great alternatives to a wedding cake!! I love that each couple does something unique and different!

  5. Chinling says:

    There are wonderful dessert alternatives!I especially love the cake pop ones! Thanks for sharing and I would recommend the same for my brides too! Love your style!!

  6. Jennifer Cox says:

    I love all of these ideas! I will save this to show my future brides that are not wanting a traditional cake!

  7. Great tips! (And now I’m hungry–ha!)

  8. Liz says:

    These are great ideas! We had a make your own brownie sundae bar. The sundaes were built in martini glasses to make it more sophisticated. It was the perfect option for us because neither of us really like wedding cake but we looooove brownie sundaes!

  9. Dayle Wiens says:

    Love the images! so creative options instead of wedding cakes!

  10. Mandy says:

    I love this! I’m not much of a cake person. All these alternatives look delicious AND beautiful!

  11. Brigitte says:

    This is amazing and I wish I knew cake alternatives prior to my wedding! So useful to know.

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